A little like hol­i­day on a farm with goats, ducks, chick­en, geese and dog. For your stay in Lom­bok we re­com­mend our small private gues­t­house, sur­roun­ded by rice fields, on the edge of the sleepy fish­er vil­lage Aik Gen­it-Mon­tong.

Guesthouse Sasiba

There are 2 double bed­rooms with a liv­ing room, ter­race and a bath­room (in­clud­ing mos­quito net, fan and fridge). From here you can start vari­ous activ­it­ies as hik­ing, golf­ing, bik­ing, or­gan­ized one or sev­er­al days tours, vis­it art and craft shops. After re­lax­ing in the garden and even­tu­ally foot-re­flex­o­logy mas­sage or reiki, you can en­joy night­life in Sen­g­gigi or en­joy just a dream­ful sun­set. To the beach, it is a 10 minute walk. It is pos­sible to use the swim­ming-pools of the nearby Jayakarta Hotel for a small fee. The town Am­pen­an and the tour­ist-cen­ter Sen­g­gigi are simple and fast (about 4 km) to reach with the Bemo (minibus), taxi or horse-car­riage.

Saleh and Silvia speak Ger­man, In­done­sian and Eng­lish and they are happy to help you or­gan­ise your tours and activ­it­ies.


How to get there

Singa­pore Air­lines of­fers Dir­ect Flights from many Cit­ies via Singa­pore to Lom­bok. Oth­er Air­lines of­fer Flights via Jakarta or Bali with a con­nect­ing Flight to Lom­bok.

A Ferry goes from Pa­dang­bai in Bali to Lem­bar in Lom­bok. From there by Taxi or pub­lic Trans­port.
There are also fast fer­ries from Bali dir­ectly to the Gil­is.


Room Rates ‘Guesthouse Sasiba’

280.000 IDR per day, inkl. breakfast
(Price plus 10% Tax / Discount for long term rental, Half board possible)


More photos flickr.com/sasibalombok